Bay State Pest Control

Take Control and protect your home

Termite Control

Termite activity is on the rise this season. Call today to schedule a full wood destroying insect inspection by a state licensed Bay State Pest control technician

Animal Control

Nuisance wildlife on your property can be a serious issue. Many times these unwanted animals can carry dangerous dieases such as rabies and lyme. They can also carry secondary pests such as ticks, mites and fleas. Contact Bay State Pest Control today and we can assist you with safely removing problem animals from your property. Our Technicians are state certified and carry a Massachusetts trapping license.

Commercial Control

We at Bay State Pest Control specialize in commercial programs working hand in hand with business owners, facility managers, maintenance companies, and condo associations. We offer weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, and on call as needed programs to fit your pest control needs.

Bay State Pest Control

is a family owned and operated corporation serving the North Shore of Massachusetts for over 20 years. We deliver a state of the art integrated pest management approach to help serve your pest problem from carpenter ants to termites, one call eliminates them all.


Current Season Late Winter/Spring 2025

Termites Are Swarming

Do you see winged, ant-like insects flying around your property? Those are most likely termites at this time of the year. Termites are considered a serious problem as they can cause millions of dollars in structural damage each year in Massachusetts. Ants are making their way into structures both residential and commercial. Now is the time to stop the invasion and possible damage that can occur. Call today to schedule a full wood destroying insect inspection by a state licensed Bay State Pest control technician!

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Rodents Are Invading

Rodents such as mice and rats are making their presence known throughout homes, businesses, and offices. Due to mild winters, the previous year’s rodents are at their peak. Problem animals such as squirrels, raccoons, skunks, and bats are starting to become restless as they are coming out of hibernation to breed at this time. Ants, both carpenter and pavement, are starting to awaken. When showing themselves at this time of the year colonies are already established. Call Bay State Pest Control today for your rodent, problem animal, and ant control needs.

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Termite and Ant Comparison

Our Solutions

We provide state of the art pest control applications and methods while keeping your health, property and the environment in mind.

Meet Our Technicians

The Bay State team of licensed technicians.

Termite Control

Termite Control Programs

Termites are considered a serious problem as they can cause millions of dollars in structural damage each year in Massachusetts. An early detection can prevent damage to your home. Bay State Pest Control has been successfully saving home from termite damage for over 20 years. Our comprehensive control program uses leading edge, safe solutions to protect your home. Contact Bay State Pest Control today to schedule a full wood destroying insect inspection by a state licensed technician.

Animal Control

Nuisance Wildlife

Nuisance wildlife on your property can be a serious issue. Many times these unwanted animals can carry dangerous diseases such as rabies and Lyme. They can also carry secondary pests such as ticks, mites and fleas. Contact Bay State Pest Control today and we can assist you with safely removing problem animals from your property. Our Technicians are state certified and carry a Massachusetts trapping license.

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25 Francis Ave
Wakefield, MA 01880

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